Wednesday 8 February 2012

Session 4 - Friends

It's bright in here. You know, bright, like a, thing. A what? I'm not sure; I am having a little trouble thinking of something that is bright and not the sun. Use your imaginations.

My head feels funny, could be from the- yes, the brace. It's a little tight, Lady Doctor, perhaps someone could possibly... Or perhaps not. Oh, uh, Lady Doctor is shaking her head, I have taken on board that this means that there is no possibility at all.

I miss my arms. I mean, well, I still have them, but since my last session where I just tried to help, actually, but- well I did, it's just that they move too fast; I scare easily. Yes I do. I do. Anyway, since my last session my arms have been, okay, just keep doing what you're doing writing-things-down-person, I will just raise my eyebrows "like this"- yes, yes you've got it! Great. Yeah, my arms have been “mechanically restrained” for my safety- oh, not my safety? Then who- ah, "everyone's".

They have stopped my Day Release and my Probation Officer has now resigned on "medical grounds". I will miss it; the flowers, and the uh, small, fluffy things?

That's right, I saw a squirrel once.

I drew a picture of him.

You know what? I'm not sure if this is the right time I- well, it looks like it is the right time as these restraints are on a time lock, says Lady Doctor. So uh, yes. What was I supposed to talk about? Ah.
I have made friends. They were in a Bar, called the Blue, Blue Something. I went in there and- oh wait, no, you see, during my group therapy they said that Drink is a Mocker and I should Stay Away, and though there was a, a small, but not small- bald, but a big beard, smells like- dwarf, there who offered me Temptation I just said "No Thanks"- yeah just like the wall chart exactly.

His name? Oh, eh, rurr, rurr, yes I'm getting there, Rurr-agg. I guess it doesn't matter, it's just that- It's fine, really. No, it is fine. It's fine.
No I- Lady Doctor believes that I have a Problem With Personal Relationship Building which allows me to Disassociate My Victims. Lady Doctor- I know that's not your real name, silly. I just don't want to say it here- no I don't think- stop it you are making my teeth hurt you're actually you know what?

Fine! I have a problem building relationships! There I said it! I hope you're happy, as now I am Sad. It's just that, you know I- good? Oh, that's good, everybody! I have "done well". Oh, the young people are writing this down. Yes, it's only one Gee in my name. You're welcome.

What's that? Oh, Day Release has been good? I'm glad you think so Lady Doctor, could I- Hooray! Oh no I don't want to stop rocking in my restraints this is amazing i am elated and oh my wooor-

Ow! The gurney fell and it's broken! Ooh, my arms, it's so good to be free in- such noise everyone! What's wrong? Come here, tell me what the-

<the subject was relaxed at this point and session terminated>

As it benefits psychology graduates to be exposed to elements of Fidget's life, the aforementioned drawing of the squirrel he saw has been included below.

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